

热烈庆祝BIC Bank新一代银行系统成功上线

2024新年新气象,我们迎来了BIC Bank新一代核心银行系统顺利上线的历史时刻,这标志着BIC Bank信息科技能力的重大提升,也是HSG在老挝市场的又一个重要里程碑。

Announcing HSG’s Pre-Implementation Consultancy Kick-Off With a Local Bank in Vanuatu

At HSG, we are thrilled to announce our Requirement Study Workshop kick-off with a Local Bank in Vanuatu.

This event reflects our never-ending commitment to the digital transformation of core banking systems.

HSG’s partnership with this Local Bank is exciting and filled with incredible potential, as it promises to offer transformative results.

HSG Downsizing Legacy Mainframe Systems: All You Need to Know

The global financial industry today is undergoing tremendous pursuit of IT innovation to achieve respective competitiveness and modernization objectives. New technologies such as cloud computing, big data, blockchain, Internet of things, and artificial intelligence are trendy means for achieving such objectives.

