
Highlights From The 2022 Huawei Connect and Alibaba Cloud Summit

Over last week, two landmark events occurred for Huawei and Alibaba Cloud: the Huawei Connect 2022 in Bangkok and the Alibaba Cloud Summit in Phuket.

While these were two separate events hosted by two different companies, they shared overarching objectives:

  • Accelerating the growth of tech ecosystems
  • Empowering organisations (like Hi Sun FinTech Global) to expedite rapid expansion and globalisation.

Below, we’ll examine the nature of these two massive events, the players involved, their solutions, and what makes these two worldwide heavyweights unique. Then, we’ll discuss HSG’s partnerships and joint solutions with Huawei and Alibaba Cloud and what they can do for your business.

An Overview Of Huawei Connect 2022

The seventh annual Huawei Connect event in Bangkok for the global ICT industry ran under the theme of “Unleash Digital.” 10,000-plus worldwide leaders, partners, and experts across the sector gathered to examine new and exciting ways to promote the digital economy, bolster digital productivity, and strengthen digital ecosystems.

At the event, Huawei made 15-plus cutting-edge cloud services available to the global market, looking to spark growth across many industries. 

Huawei’s Rotating Chairman, Ken Hu, outlined the three following ways the IT ecosystem can make strides in catalysing the digital transformation during his keynote speech:

1.Enhance digital infrastructures with better connectivity and vaster computing resources.

2.Help businesses maximise cloud services to reap all of their benefits.

3.Construct local digital ecosystems (e.g., increasing the talent pool, partner development, enhanced SME support).

Additionally, Huawei Cloud’s CEO, Zhang Ping’an, announced the launch of new Huawei Cloud Regions in Ireland and Indonesia. Huawei Cloud will operate 75 availability zones throughout 29 global regions, improving services in 170-plus countries and regions. 

The global tech giant also launched the “Go Cloud, Go Global” ecosystem plan, focusing on Everything as A Service. The aim is to foster joint innovation with the sped-up development of a global digital industry ecosystem.

Other exciting initiatives include the global TECH4ALL project and its sweeping impact across Asia Pacific. For instance, the Digital Bus in Thailand brings digital skills and connectivity to rural children. 

Nature conservation was another topic that initiated exciting conversations. Shawn Tan, the VP of Sunseap, discussed how his company will offset 4,000 tons of CO2 per year with its floating solar farm using Huawei’s smart PV solution. 

These topics only scratch the surface of an inspiring, widely successful landmark event for Huawei.

An Overview Of The 2022 Alibaba Cloud Summit

Alibaba Cloud announced its international strategic roadmap at its three-day 2022 Summit in Phuket, revealing new products to support enterprise tech innovation. Included in Alibaba’s announcements was a $1 billion US for a global partner ecosystem upgrade and improved customer services to bolster customers’ digitalisation journeys. 

Throughout the summit, Alibaba Cloud signed 30 agreements to aid partners and clients in accelerating digital innovation capabilities with its leading cloud computing tech.

Some of the more noteworthy developments at the event were as follows:

  • Rolling out a robust suite of metaverse solutions with MetaverseXR for the Thai market for organisations embarking on a Web 3.0 journey.
  • Working with the UMG Group to power Myanmar’s digital transformation in more traditional industries.
  • Expanding its regional outreach in Fintech verticals by partnering with Singapore-based BeLive and VisionTech.
  • Offering its robust cloud-computing capabilities and global network to New Zealand-based blockchain infrastructure provider, OnFinality. This is to help Web 3.0 developers aiming to scale globally.

The 2022 Alibaba Cloud Summit proved to attendees that the future is as bright as it is digital.

Huawei Versus Alibaba Cloud: A Comparison

It’s worth noting that both Huawei and Alibaba Cloud are exceptional companies with sterling reputations. We’re comparing two A-Plus services. However, for transparency, let’s see how they stack up to one another.

We’ll first point out that Alibaba Cloud topped Huawei’s hold on China’s cloud-based market share in 2021, claiming 37% of the country’s total cloud spend

Then, in assessing usability, we researched Gartner Reviews

Alibaba Cloud amassed an impressive 4.4 rating out of 5 with 101 reviews. Comparatively, Huawei’s Cloud Infrastructure and Platform Services received a 4.9 rating, but only with 39 reviews. 

The subtext of those reviews is how there’s more for Alibaba Cloud, speaking to its dominance in the space. Yes, its score was lower than Huawei’s but still impressive, combined with a more substantial sample size than its industry rival.

An article published by industry expert CRN points out how Alibaba is “putting the heat” on competitors like Huawei. The company is doing so with its newly-developed processors and server lines, bolstering its cloud computing data centres. Alibaba Cloud also plans to build new data centres beyond China’s borders.

That said, Huawei continues to hold strong as the #5 cloud vendor in the world and #2 in China. 

Huawei boasts over 2.3 million developers and over 4,500 available services. With 19% of the market share in China’s cloud space, Huawei is a formidable force in the sector because of its “one infrastructure, one experience” approach to global innovation and data interconnection. Plus, Huawei’s 4.9 rating on Gartner is an awe-inspiring feat–even with its smaller sample size.

Innovative Joint Solutions With HSG

HSG is proud to provide the following innovative joint solutions with Alibaba Cloud and Huawei:

The HBS on Alibaba Cloud

1.As an end-to-end digital banking solution, HBS on Alibaba Cloud enables clients to seamlessly shift from their legacy core banking system to modernised digital banking systems. Using microservice-based architecture, HBS modularises banking features to streamline the implementation of complex backend service systems, ensuring an agile, flexible, and cost-effective process.

2.Highlights include:

  • One-Stop Banking Solutions
  • Banking as a Service
  • Plug-and-Play Banking Modules
  • Cost-effective Scalability
  • Robust Global Cloud Infrastructure

HSG and Huawei Legacy Migration Solution

1.The HSG-Huawei joint Legacy Migration Solution is based on the Huawei Cloud while adopting HSG’s tools and cutting-edge tech. This robust combination provides intelligent, innovative, and independent services that aid customers aiming to shift to an open cloud computing platform from their outdated closed mainframe environment. 

2.Through this joint Legacy Migration Solution, clients can:

  • Inherit the entirety of their business assets
  • Quickly improve the application requirement response
  • Become more agile with service innovation
  • Vastly enhance application scalability
  • Significantly bolster integration capabilities

These joint solutions can help take your financial organisation to the next level, enabling sustainability in a steadily-evolving future. Click here to download our company brochure to learn more about HSG’s comprehensive, turnkey offerings.